Supertron Infotech Pvt Ltd has been initiating Supertron Insta Rewards when we were celebrating Nobo Borsho, 16 th April 2018, now question is what is Supertron Insta Rewards right? It’s a smiley batch given to any employee for any type of activity or work that can be for particular work, dedication, responsibility, energy, positive attitude, influence etc. There are five types of smilies for Insta Rewards. Any senior employee can give any smiley to any junior employee. And most interesting part is this; every smiley batch has some price money that means smiley holder can earn some quick money from it. Now all have to know what these five types of smilies are. Those are: Blue Star Smiley, Super Happy Smiley, Happy Smiley, Not Happy Smiley and Angry Smiley. Every Smiley has some specific significant. Blue Star Smiley : This smiley is for Excellence Performance done by employee. Its price money is Rs. 500/- Our two employees earn this smiley for donating blood. And we all kno...