Android Oreo is the latest version of Google's mobile platform, and by far the best version Google ever came up with. And being one of the best mobile app development companies in Kolkata, Supertron Infotech is diving into the pool of this update and brings to you a total analysis of this Android version. In Android 8.0 Google has focused more on speed and efficiency rather than a grand visual change, instead of expanding feature sets they refined what already exists. Google has given more attention on improving battery life, security and performance stability for a better user interaction and control, Android Oreo lets you customize everything, from app background activity log and permissions to how you get notifications. Android Oreo represents the most matured version of Android mobile platform and also the most comprehensive version too, it is stable, feature rich and functional with much improved usability. Lot of features those were first introduced in Nougat, found its tru...