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Some Tips on Good Health & Fitness for Busy Corporate People

  Health and fitness is the key to a long, active, and enjoyable life. There is a saying that” Health is the actual wealth that a person can retain”. But, in the case of busy working corporate people, their tight schedule becomes more difficult to maintain their health and to be fit. So, here Supertron Infotech Pvt Ltd , one of the best Digital Marketing Company in Kolkata shares some tips on good health and fitness.  As we all know that Health and Fitness play a vital role in each individual’s life, so health should be the top priority for all of us and do anything to hustle and stay fit. The longer, harder, and more often the busy working corporate people exercise, the higher the health benefits, reducing the risk of deadly diseases such as cancer, heart attacks, and diabetes, based on scientific research.  Staying healthy and being fit seems like an uphill struggle for the busy working corporate people . Well, if they manage some time in their day and walk uphill, th...
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5 important tips to get ready with SEO from SIPL

  As the number of smart phone use is increasing, more is the services are being utilized by the apps installed in it, including Search Engine. Be it Google, Bing, Safari, Firefox and many more, the algorithm for each works almost the same irrespective of the devices. It is through the SEO services one gets to know about your company’s existence and the services you can provide to them when in need. Thus it is important for business directors to hone their SEO strategy and take actions to improve their rankings in the SERP. Supertron Infotech Private Limited sets it’s priorities to improve the SEO services of our clients and that to do so, we follow five important points in our work ethics to deliver the right set of services that you need for your enterprise to success in business. 1.        Having a Web Analytics in place at the start –Collect the right source of Data is important which serves as a direction for you to know what should you do in ...

Online Marketing for Supertron Infotech

Marketing is an important activity for an organisation that brings contribution to the growth to an enterprise. Investments being spent on marketing is solely done to make reach of the product message to consumers at large and improve the return on investment. Though in tradition marketing it is difficult to make your products make reach to your targeted consumers at large in the right time of their need, Online Marketing here fills up the gap. Making it an efficient way of marketing of building up your brand. For a start up company or for a well established organisation there are certain points that must be taken into consideration to make your marketing function smoothly, through online marketing employees can utilize it to cover up these marketing points. Such as:- 1.        Customer Pivot – Customer is the central pillar for every business organisation, without which enterprise will never be able to operate in the long run. The sole reason for eve...

Work From Home - Challenges faced by team leaders and Managers

Supertron Infotech Virtual team meeting and work is now the trend happening across the world as the practice of lockdown and social distancing are being implemented due to the directions from the Government Authorities. As work from home are being practiced by company employees, managers and directors of the organisation, studies have demonstrated that remote working are more productive, healthier and attain positive work – life balance.  However not all things that are positive brings glooms and blossom in a situation. As there are certain disadvantages of work from home that pose a challenge for the team leader and manager.  1.       Managing Projects – One of the biggest challenges that are posed this lockdown season is how to manage projects. Whether it is group work or work that is to be completed by team member solely, the work of the team leader is to make sure that the deadlines are met to make the company goals achieved. As commu...

Challenges from work from home

In the wake of the Covid-19 disease spreading at an alarming rate around the world many government authorities of different countries have ordered company directors, manager and employees to start practicing to work from home. It may seem to be an easy task for employees to follow this order, it does not seem to be that easy than it is with it’s challenges.  As your habit of commuting from home to office is now halted, it has now made your work life to be more comfortable as the hassle to dress up and leave for work in hurry is now reduced. But this does not lead your life to be in an all rainbow and unicorn feel.  Employees of Supertron Infotech Pvt Ltd induced in providing online marketing and software services to customers have started the habit of working from home. And as other office employees are facing challenges from work from home have found ways to work properly and efficiently from home.  ·         Distractions –...

Unlimited scope to make your websites look so professional along with user friendly features

The internet infrastructure is improved across the country and most people use the internet services more often than usual before. With this change in consumer behaviour it is now the best time to make your products and services be reach to people through online portals and in your business websites. Making them about your business that can make their needs to satisfied. Supertron Infotech Private Limited acknowledged as one of the best online marketing company, located in Kolkata works in focus to make your business organisation reach to the right set of audiences. Our organisation consists of members that are highly professional with respect to their experience in online marketing services. Websites being one of the main source of a  company and it’s business service information, Supertron Infotech PrivateLimited ensures that our customers business information in the website is upto date and well written enough to make your customers know what your business is about ...


With service demands increasing in India and the application of technology now being easy to use, it now makes it clear for young minds to start a new business, service oriented in online platform. Supertron Infotech Pvt. Ltd known as one of the leading E-Commerce as well as Web Developer Company in Kolkata helps to reach out your businesses to consumers who are looking for what they need. We help your business in the online platform to grow the numbers both in reach as well as in conversions by making it well aware to the people in both search, social media as well as word of mouth. Search – The most common application used in our finger tips thanks to the advance technology in mobile phones where consumers can now search on the go with affordable internet access. Our professionals in Google AdWords place your ads in the search platform in terms of Title search ads, display ads (image ads) and Video ads (YouTube). We place the bets in those set of keywords where your ads w...